The American scientific journal «PLOS one» published an article about the Allopharm’s developments

The team from the subsidiary company of ALLOPHARM won the competition for best innovative projects of 2017 in the category «The best innovative idea». Congratulations!
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In March 2017, the American scientific journal PLoS ONE published an article titled «Natural antimicrobial peptide complexes in the fighting of antibiotic resistant biofilms: Calliphora vicina medicinal maggots». Among the authors of the article were Allopharm employees, scientists from the laboratory of insect biopharmacology and immunology of SPBU, as well as scientific employees of the CM. Kirov Military Medical Academy and specialists from the National Institute for Research on Cancer, Genoa, Italy.

The structure and antibiofilm activity of the complex of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) of Calliphora vicina was analyzed in the article, the development of which occurred under conditions of direct competition for the food substrate with bacteria. The AMP complex was called FLIP7 (Fly Larvae Immune Peptides). FLIP7 demonstrated high activity in relation to both plankton forms and biofilms formed by the human pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii.

The results of the study prove that the simultaneous use of several families of AMP in FLIP7 potentially gives an advantage in comparison with traditional antibiotic agents based on one active substance.

We congratulate our colleagues and wish them all the best for their professional development and future achievements.

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